Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tipitaka offering to Buddhist University in Battambang

Having donated one set of the English Pititaka version by Cambodian Counselor to Myanmar Mr. Mao Van and Mrs. Thorn Sambor, i have brought to enshrine in Buddhist University library , Sihanureaj Buddhist University, Battambang, Cambodia.

All the students of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University located in Yangon, Myanmar and Burmese lay-Buddhists take part harmoniously in the auspicious occasion of candle light offering ceremony in which it was held one day before the rainy retreat finished.


Har-Dao said...

Hello Sienghai :)

Great to see new photos - all the best to you.

Piotr (Peter) from Poland

the spool artist said...

wow, your desire to learn more about Buddhism is very inspiring... good luck on all your endeavors!

loven from siem reap