Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Philosophy of Life

On behalf of the human being, we should be kind, gentle, generous to all mankind. We should not be selfish because it is the defilement which leads those who have committed to suffer in the miserable, woeful states. Instead, we should share our capacity, ability, knowledge, wisdom to whom they are starry-eyed with the wholesome and social education in order to develop the public interests. Surely, on the 20th of May,2006, My classmates and I from Aung Toung Buddhist High School presided over by Khmer students from Mahaculalonkon University(Thailand),came to educate as well as training the social code, morality to both High School and Junior High School students about more than 2000 in Muon Russey district,Battambang,Cambodia.

I think it is one of the parts of Dhamma taught by the Buddha “ The Dhamma is exceed all the gift”.